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Honors to Eileithyia at Ancient Inatos: The Sacred Cave of Eileithyia at Tsoutsouros, Crete: Highlights of the Collection

Honors to Eileithyia at Ancient Inatos: The Sacred Cave of Eileithyia at Tsoutsouros, Crete: Highlights of the Collection

Edited by Athanasia Kanta, Costis Davaras, and Philip B. Betancourt. With contributions by Philip B. Betancourt, Costis Davaras, Georgia Flouda, Calliope E. Galanaki, Dimitris Grigoropoulos, Athanasia Kanta, Danae Z. Kontopodi, Georgios Marakis, Christina Papadaki, Massino Perna, Elefterios Platon, Petros Themelis, and Richard H. Wilkinson

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